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Construction of Kindergarten for the community of Ranchería


by Fundesur / News / 18 agosto, 2018

The majority of primary schools in the rural zones of Honduras lack adequate conditions to have an efficient learning process. The classrooms are too small for the number of students they attend, have poor lighting, chairs in bad conditions or a complete lack of chairs and sometimes a dirt floor.

FUNDESUR and Cargill complete construction of Kindergarten for the community of Ranchería, Namasigüe

The project’s total investment was L 581,888.00, with a contribution from Cargill of L 225,000.00, FUNDESUR of L 265,688.7 and the community of L 91,200 (with unskilled labor and materials) to benefit a total of 23 children.

This investment includes unskilled labor and rock materials. It is noteworthy that this new Kindergarten is eqquipped with bathrooms or restrooms, water tank, sinks, chairs and desks, library and blackboards.

Building and repairing school centers is a major need in the southern zone of Honduras. The foundation want to ensure that this project provides streamlined basic education. This new project reinforces the commitment of FUNDESUR and Cargill – Honduras to improve education in the country.

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Phone: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Address: El Aterrizaje Neighborhood, 3rd Street El Cortijo, 1 and 1/2 blocks east of Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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