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Giveaway of restrooms to people from the community of San Bernardo, Namasigüe


by Fundesur / News / 22 agosto, 2018

In the rural communities of the Gulf of Fonseca, the majority of diseases suffered by the population involve the gastrointestinal and respiratory system. In order to make these communities a better place to live, FUNDESUR, which the social arm of the shrimp farming industry, invests in projects to eliminate the causes of such diseases. On this occasion, the Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion (SEDIS) constructed 150 toilets with a total investment of L. 2,693,500 in the community of San Bernardo, Namasigue. This project is the result of the foundation’s commitment and significant participation of the community throughout the process; they contributed with the physical work and supplies. This project is valued at L. 525,000 and includes:

Construction of 150 restrooms, which include:

  • Toilets

  • Bathroom Area

  • 110 gallon capacity tank.

The project will provide health and environmental benefits for more than 750 members of San Bernardo community in Namasigue. The toilets help low income people have a clean place to meet their needs. The project seeks to eliminate the outdoor defecation, fevers, diarrhea and cholera, as well as contamination in the water, floors and bad odors.

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