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Life Stories


Updated: Jan 25, 2024

Before the arrival of these health teams in the community, families did not have many places to do their physical needs, so they had to go outdoors. It was worrying, because we knew that we were polluting our environment, but we are low-income people who, without the help that FUNDESUR gave us, we would not have been able to build these modules”.

I really feel very happy, because it is a project that comes to help all the families of the Los Prados community”

World Health Day

On April 7; World Health Day we reaffirm our strong commitment to provide better health conditions in rural communities in southern Honduras; generating well-being and prosperity.

In order to eliminate the gap between the neediest communities and decent health, we have programs that range from medical and dental care, donation of specialized and basic medicines, to water and sanitation projects, linked to the sustainable development goals. number 3 and 6.

Our work and effort is reflected in the reduction of gastrointestinal, respiratory and bacterial diseases, in the meticulous control during pregnancy and chronic diseases of the population, as well as facilitating access to safe water for human consumption.

Waste Tire Responsible Management Program

Together with the Herco Foundation, Cementos Argos Honduras, and with the support of the Ministry of Health and MiAmbiente+, we present the results obtained in the first 4 months of the Responsible Management of Waste Tires program in the city of Choluteca; where we have managed to collect 18,900 tires, equivalent to 189.17 tons.

In this way we offer a viable environmental alternative, which through the collection of disused tires and the use of the co-processing technique in the production of cement, we prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding sites or from being burned, releasing dangerous chemical compounds for health and the environment.

We thank the population and businesses that have responsibly joined the project, eliminating this dangerous waste in large quantities. We invite those who have not yet joined to do so and join efforts to have a cleaner city and citizens who enjoy a better quality of life.

We drilled a water well in the community of El Triunfo.

We know that water is an essential element for subsistence and a determinant in the quality of life of people. Part of our efforts are aimed at providing water to residents of communities that have supply problems with this vital liquid.

Together with our partner Living Water International, we are drilling a well in Ojo de Agua, El Triunfo; community that has suffered greatly from the lack of this precious resource.

From the beginning of the project, we perceive the happiness and gratitude of each of the residents who for years have suffered from the lack of water in their homes.

We started with a Mega Water Project for 6 communities in Marcovia

After 20 years of struggle, more than 4,000 inhabitants will benefit from a water project. Today, the dream of these people will be a reality thanks to FUNDESUR and its strategic allies; Operation Blessing, Global Brigades and the Marcovia Mayor's Office.

The project is contemplated in 3 stages, with a cost close to L 35,000,000; This first stage has a cost greater than L 15,000,000; which consists of the installation of 14 kilometers of pumping line, the construction of an elevated tank, Katalox water treatment system and the distribution network for 120 houses in Isla Boca del Río Viejo.

The challenge is enormous, but it fills us with emotion to change the history of these 6 Marcovia communities.


In order to identify possible cancer precursor lesions in the cervix and cervix early and contribute to the reduction of deaths from cervical cancer in women in our country, we continue with our colposcopy sessions. On this occasion, at the Service and Trading Business packer we brought our doctors and the necessary equipment to set up a medical day, managing to perform 10 cytology tests, 2 colposcopies and 2 biopsies.

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