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February 2023 Newsletter | FundeSur

Writer's picture: Roque ZepedaRoque Zepeda

Creating Meaningful Change: Our Mission in Action

In a steadfast commitment to improve the quality of life in rural communities in southern Honduras, we have embarked on a journey of hope and transformation that we invite you to explore today. This narrative is a chronicle of our tireless work and the alliances we have forged to address persistent challenges and build a brighter future.

From building decent housing to delivering quality education and accessible healthcare, these pages bear witness to our determination in action. Join us on this journey and discover how together we are making change possible. These are the stories that illustrate how action can transform lives and entire communities. Welcome to a world where every step is tangible progress!

Building 11 Homes in El Triunfo Families in the Manhattan community in El Triunfo have faced extremely challenging conditions due to a lack of resources, forcing them to reside in makeshift homes constructed from discarded materials and whatever was available. The vulnerability of these homes exposed these families to constant flooding, diseases, and the presence of animals such as snakes and rodents.

A Dignified Home for Those Who Need It Most!

In collaboration with TECHO - Honduras and the Municipality of El Triunfo, we have joined forces with TECHO and FUNDESUR volunteers to build 11 decent homes in just 2 days. These new homes provide security, stability, and improved living conditions for the residents of this community.

We Deliver Educational Center #46

Keydi Soriano and 20 other children from the community of Nueva Unión, Namasigüe, did not have a suitable place to receive their education. Teachers were forced to seek alternatives, from holding classes under the shade of a tree to using an old warehouse. In collaboration with our partner, Operation Blessing Honduras, and with the support of the community, we have constructed a kindergarten valued at L 1,288,669. This new educational center fulfills Keydi's dream of having proper facilities to receive a quality education.

Today, the joy is reflected in the smiles of the children and their parents as they see their new school, equipped with high-quality furniture. Additionally, we have provided students with their respective school kits and educational materials to motivate their attendance.

These actions are aimed at promoting inclusive and quality education in rural areas of Honduras. It is proven that having educational facilities in optimal conditions is crucial for improving students' academic performance.

We Inaugurate the New Comprehensive Health Center in Azacualpa

Maintaining health and happiness is a fundamental desire for everyone. Unfortunately, in many rural areas of southern Honduras, accessing quality healthcare services is an unreachable dream. Thanks to the support of Costa Meeresspezialitäten, we have invested more than L3,100,000 in the construction of spacious, comfortable, and modern facilities that will provide quality care to over 500 people from 14 nearby communities.

The new comprehensive health center will improve healthcare in general medicine, gynecology, dentistry, and other services provided by our medical staff. This is an important step toward universal access to healthcare in the region

We Conclude Our Gynecological Brigade

In collaboration with Rotary Club Choluteca, the Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of the South, and the General Hospital of the South, we have completed a significant gynecological brigade that benefited 64 women from various municipalities in the south. This contributed to a 30% reduction in the gynecological surgery waiting list, which dated back to 2020.

Over two weekends and four days of intense work, we were able to achieve 100% of the established goal. Procedures performed included the removal of uterine and ovarian tumors, correction of pelvic disorders, bladder descent repair, and treatment of vaginal tears. We thank each of the doctors, the nursing team, and the staff of the General Hospital of the South for making this valuable brigade possible.

We Introduce Ultrasound Services

We are excited to announce the introduction of a new service in the 10 health centers where we have a medical presence: rotating ultrasounds. We launched this initiative on Friday, February 25th, in the community of Pueblo Nuevo, Marcovia, attending to 16 pregnant women. This service provides vital information about the baby's development and ensures proper monitoring during pregnancy.

We Conclude the School Supplies Distribution

Since the beginning of this year's school season, we have been distributing backpacks and school supplies to children in the coastal area of southern Honduras, as we have been doing since 2015. With an investment of over 2.7 million lempiras, we have benefited 175 educational centers in 8 municipalities in the departments of Choluteca and Valle. This initiative has encouraged parents to send their children to school, helping to overcome the challenge of resource scarcity that often hinders school attendance.

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Phone: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Address: El Aterrizaje Neighborhood, 3rd Street El Cortijo, 1 and 1/2 blocks east of Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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