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May 2024 | News Bulletin


Updated: Jun 14, 2024

Dynamic Education in El Jiote, Namasigüe

In the community of El Jiote, Namasigüe, this belief is manifested through exciting educational activities we conduct with the students of Francisco Morazán School.

From word searches that encourage children to discover new words, to dictation sessions that improve grammar and spelling.

Additionally, our games and activities not only entertain but also teach vital lessons about teamwork and effective communication. These initiatives are proof of our commitment to continuous education and the development of our communities.

We thank our partner Colgate-Palmolive for the personal hygiene kits we distributed to all the children.


Responsible Tire Management: Progress and Future in Choluteca and San Lorenzo

Since November 2021, in collaboration with Fundación Ferretería Herco and Cementos Argos Honduras, we have made significant progress in our Responsible Tire Waste Management program, which allows for environmentally friendly co-processing.

So far, we have collected over 105,000 tires in Choluteca and San Lorenzo, eliminating an equal number of potential mosquito breeding sites. A major step for public health and the environment.

Last Friday, we held an important informative meeting with the participation of local authorities. This meeting allowed us to delve into the program's achievements and present the challenges we face to ensure its continuity.

Thanks to a successful day, we identified key actions and initiatives that will help us maintain and expand the program's impact. We remain committed to continuing our work to improve environmental and health conditions in our cities.


Ciudad Mujer Choluteca: 3 Years of Empowerment and Support

We are delighted to celebrate this significant anniversary with them. A safe space that provides Honduran women with medical, legal, and psychological assistance, offering quality, humanity, and warmth in its services.

As part of this celebration, we gifted personal hygiene products to the patients who joined us.

Congratulations Ciudad Mujer Choluteca on these 3 years of empowering and supporting women!


New Tuberculosis Space at San Pedro Sur Health Center

At the San Pedro Sur Health Center, we are building a special cubicle for tuberculosis treatment. To date, we have completed the sub-foundation, columns, beams, wall construction up to the lintel level, and the front sidewalk, achieving a 40% progress.

Our commitment to the health of the population is firm and constant. Early detection and appropriate treatment of tuberculosis are essential to combat this disease and improve the quality of life in our community.


Plants for a Green Future

In a day full of life and color, Fundesur carried out a successful plant distribution activity from our nursery. Over three consecutive days, we shared more than 3,000 plants with the community, promoting the importance of environmental care and the beautification of our homes. This initiative, which filled many with green hope, reinforces our commitment to sustainability and community well-being. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this event a success!


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Phone: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Address: El Aterrizaje Neighborhood, 3rd Street El Cortijo, 1 and 1/2 blocks east of Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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